“Kusunoki Gakumon” is the world-class “Japanese spirit” that has been taught since ancient times.

Before there was “doutoku”(Japanese morality),
there was “shuushin”(Cultivate your own body, mind and spirit in japanese way).

Before “shuushin”,      there was “Bushido”.

Before “Bushido”,        there was……


Even including Buddhism, Shinto, and ancient Shinto, there is something called “kusunoki gakumon”, which is a way of life or way of living that has been handed down from the distant past.

(There is also something called “kusunoki bungen”)


“Kusunoki gakumon”, which have been going on for centuries, grow slowly but steadily. This was the case.

This is what I learned from the appearance of the large camphor tree (Ookusu or Ookusunoki), which has continued to grow steadily, regardless of whether it is a typhoon, a drought, or any change in the external environment.


However, the modern version of the Kusunoki gakumon is a little different.


It is a form of “Kusunoki gakumon” that not only includes the large camphor tree, but also deciphers “Kusunoki gakumon” to include Buddhist, Shinto, ancient Shinto, martial arts, as well as invisible areas and energies.


In business as well as in life, whatever external environmental big changes as the new world as well as technological and web developments, nourish the elements of those environmental changes and grow steadily like a large camphor tree.


We continue to convey the modern version of “Kusunoki Gakumon” to our clients, which is applicable to the present day and to the future.